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NY, New York, United States

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


It will never occur to me how someone can still be so sad, angry, lonely, & confused when they have someone right in front of them who is actually there to make them happy and give them everything they always wanted or thought they'd never have. I should be the one feeling those things because I'm the one who's being pushed away and I'm the one who's being thought of as just some chick even though I have feelings. I eman sometimes I understand but then again I don't. I've never had any intentions to hurt anyone in my life..I've always been loyal and trust worthy and giving..yet I always get the "confused" people. what's there to be confused about anymore? At point you wanted something that somone refused to give you, and now you have someone who could give you that and more but all of a sudden you're lost..or lonely..or confused..or empty..or whatever. That shit will never meet eye to eye with me. I will never understand that shit. I'm here and I'm willing, but being ignored. Whatever, still love the kid. Shame on me though!